CAWEP CAKN annual international conference “Promoting regional water sector dialogue and cooperation in Central Asia through knowledge networking, partnerships and education”

The CAWEP Central Asia Knowledge Network project is pleased to invite you to participate in the annual international conference “Promoting regional water sector dialogue and cooperation in Central Asia through knowledge networking, partnerships and education” which will be delivered online on March 3 and 4, 2021, on the Zoom platform, from 12 am to 16 pm Almaty time.

The objective of the conference is to convene on a virtual platform a broad group of water sector stakeholders including academia, seasoned and young water professionals, international development partners, regional institutions from Central Asian countries and beyond in order to:

  • share the results of recent CA KN activities,
  • hear from international partners and CA regional representatives about their initiatives in water sector capacity building and in promoting national and regional dialogue on most acute water sector development issues,
  • bring in international and regional practice and experience in teaching water engineering disciplines with the focus on linking education, research and practice,
  • discuss innovative learning modalities, including online and blended education programs.

Target audience: Representatives of Central Asian universities, research institutions, academia, think-tanks, water sector practitioners, young professionals, international development partners

Activity partners: The conference will be organized in cooperation with national and regional universities, international development partners, including EU, USAID, SDC, UNESCO and others.

Activity structure: The first day will be devoted to presenting and discussing coordination and cooperation among various regional networking initiatives which promote regional capacity strengthening in water sector and people-to-people dialogue. On the second day there will be a discussion about viable approaches to linking education, research and practice in high school curricula, international partnerships between universities, youth research opportunities based on the existing best international and regional CA practices, as well as new learning modalities, including online learning and joint education programs.

Conference languages: Russian and English with simultaneous interpretation

Important notice! Please be advised that in order to be able to benefit from simultaneous interpretation during the conference, you will need to download Zoom on your computer or smartphone. If you do not do it, the interpretation option will not be available for you. Please, kindly register for participation by clicking the button below. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation and a link to the Zoom conference.

Please, kindly register for participation. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation and a link to the Zoom conference. If you have any problems with registration or have any questions/suggestions on the agenda of the conference, please contact Yulia Rybakova ( or Larisa Fugol (

Please, kindly register for participation by clicking this link

We welcome your participation and look forward to seeing you at the conference!

More information on

Provisional Conference Agenda

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